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2021년 수능특강라이트 3강 E3,4(기출+) Melatonin helps regulate the timing of when sleep occurs by systemically signaling darkness throughout the organism. But melatonin has little influence on the generation of sleep itself: a mistaken assumption that many people hold. To make clear this distinction, think of sleep as the Olympic 100-meter race. Melatonin is the voice of the timing official that says "Runners, on your mark," and the.. 더보기
2021년 수능특강라이트 3강 E1,2(기출+) If there is one recent change that stands out in student behaviour, it is the decline in the willingness to read for extended periods of time. The reason is simply the competition reading faces. Until the mid-1980s, the only competition school really had was television. We still lived in a world that supported print literacy. There was still a collective memory about the experiences reading offe.. 더보기
2021년 수능특강라이트 9강 E3,4(기출+) Under Roman law there was a time for the coming of age of a son. But the age when this took place was not fixed as one might assume. Rather, the father had the discretion in setting the time of his son's maturity. A Roman child became an adult at the sacred family festival known as the Liberalia, held annually on the seventeenth of March. At this time, the child was formally acknowledged as the .. 더보기
2021년 수능특강라이트 9강 E1,2(기출+) Unfortunately, setting only big goals can feel overwhelming because they often take a lot more time and energy than smaller goals. So break down large goals into smaller, more digestible and manageable chunks. As you achieve each smaller goal, you'll feel inspired and motivated to continue with what is left to ultimately achieve the larger overall goal. Each smaller success will bring you a grea.. 더보기
2021 EBS올림포스전국연합학력평가기출문제고1(16강1~3) Mirrors and other smooth, shiny surfaces reflect light. We see reflections from such surfaces because the rays of light form an image on the retina of our eyes. Such images are always reversed. Look at yourself in a mirror, wink your right eye and your left eye seems to wink back at you. You can use a mirror to send a coded message to a friend. Stand a mirror upright on the table, so that a piec.. 더보기
2021 수능감잡기 4강-2(기출+) pedestrians are considerably more likely to be hit by hybrid or electric vehicles than by those that have an internal combustion engine.=> 변형가능=> it is considerably more likely that pedestrians are hit by hybrid or electric vehicles~. 꼭 공부해두세요! 뭐가 나올지 모르니! 모든 확실하게 암기를 해야 합니다. This may be why antibiotics act to fatten not just cattle, with their multistomached digestive systems, but also pigs and.. 더보기
2021년 수능특강라이트 5강 E3,4(기출+) When one or more lions merely walk along, wildebeest raise their heads, cock their ears, snort, and occasionally stamp a foreleg. These signals alert the herd. Wildebeest may stop their constant snorting when a lion approaches, creating a pool of silence that is as effective a stimulus contrast as an alarm snort, especially at night. Usually prey watch the predator until it moves on, but at time.. 더보기
2021년 수능특강라이트 5강 E1,2(기출+) As the technological revolution gathers pace, education and training are thought to be the answer to everything. They are, but we have to understand the question. Educating more people — and to a much higher standard — is vital. But we also have to educate them differently. The problem is that present expansion is based on a fundamental misconception: the confusion of academic ability with intel.. 더보기
