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2021년 리딩파워기본독해 11강 더보기
2021년 수능특강라이트 14강 3,4(기출+) Years ago, at the University of Chicago Medical School, I was fortunate to be selected as "favorite professor." This was one of the biggest honors we professors could receive; we all wanted to be recognized by our students. The day it was announced that I had won, everyone acted nicely toward me, as they usually did. But no one said anything to me about the award. I sensed something behind their.. 더보기
2021년 수능특강라이트14강1,2 분석(기출+) 무료자료 다운받기전 광고클릭(돈들지않아요! please!!!) 무료자료 다운받기전 광고클릭(돈들지않아요! please!!!) 더보기
2021년 수능특강라이트14강Gateway(기출+) Studies show that no one is "born" to be an entrepreneur and that everyone has the potential to become one. Whether someone does or doesn't is a function of environment, life experiences, and personal choices. However, there are personality traits and characteristics commonly associated with entrepreneurs. These traits are developed over time and evolve from an individual's social context. For e.. 더보기
2021년 수능감잡기 2강 5,6(기출+) For that reason, it's important that we all learn how to say the appropriate things in the right way and to present ourselves in a way that appeals to other people - tailoring a great first impression. => 주제 문장이기 때문에 서술형 빈칸 문제로 출제 가능합니다. Laws in the form of explicit codes are never found in pre-civilized peoples, nor are they necessary. => 도치문장 조심하자! Indeed, without some kind of formal standard .. 더보기
2021년 수능감잡기 2강3,4 (기출+) For that reason, it's important that we all learn how to say the appropriate things in the right way and to present ourselves in a way that appeals to other people - tailoring a great first impression. => 주제 문장이기 때문에 서술형 빈칸 문제로 출제 가능합니다. Laws in the form of explicit codes are never found in pre-civilized peoples, nor are they necessary. => 도치문장 조심하자! Indeed, without some kind of formal standard .. 더보기
2021년 수능특강라이트 10강 E3,4(기출+) We have seen many examples of primate societies in which other community members lend parents a hand with childcare. In many preindustrial societies, parents receive even more help when they have too many children to raise. Foster care of young, or temporary adoption, is a common solution for families in preindustrial societies who have too many children. Fostering differs from adoption in that .. 더보기
2021년 수능특강라이트 10강 E1,2(기출+) I have known several negotiators guilty of hubris. They often dig their own graves because once they have made a take-it-or-leave-it offer, they can't tolerate the thought of losing face by returning to the table. You may argue that it's important to display toughness and resolve to the other side. However, earning a reputation for being tough doesn't serve you well at the negotiation table. Ind.. 더보기
