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2021년 수능감잡기 11강분석 (기출+) LED 책상 스탠드 vs. LED 모니터 조명 (학생, 영어강사를 위한 최고의 선택 무료배송!!!) https://bit.ly/3mjiXzd vs https://bit.ly/3vWICAP LED 책상 테이블 화장대 옷장 침대 조명 스탠드 : 에디해피스토어 [에디해피스토어] BUY It TRY iT smartstore.naver.com LED 모니터 조명 3세대 프로 : 에디해피스토어 [에디해피스토어] BUY It TRY iT smartstore.naver.com 자료교정중입니다!!! 더보기
2021년 수능특강라이트 16강 3,4(기출+) All words have to be coined by a wordsmith at some point in the mists of history. The wordsmith had an idea to get across and needed a sound to express it. In principle, any sound would have done, so the first coiner of a term for a political affiliation, for instance, could have used glorg or schmendrick or mcgillicuddy. But people are poor at recalling sounds out of the blue, and they probably.. 더보기
2021년 수능감잡기 8강분석 5,6(기출+) One day, when Mike was a teen, he was joking around with some friends. He made an insensitive, disgusting, racist comment. He didn't know it, but he was being watched by Alan, the classmate of that particular race. When Mike turned around and saw him, his heart sank, and he felt like an idiot. He couldn't believe what he had done. At that moment, he made one of the best decisions of his life. In.. 더보기
2021년 수능특강라이트 16강1,2(기출+) In 1979, University of Washington psychologist Andy Meltzoff stuck out his tongue at a baby 42 minutes old, then sat back to see what happened. After some effort, the baby returned the favor, slowly rolling out his own tongue. Meltzoff stuck his tongue out again. The infant responded in kind. Meltzoff discovered that babies could imitate right from the start of their little lives (or, at least, .. 더보기
2021년 수능감잡기 8강분석3,4(기출+) My mother was running back and forth through the kitchen trying to beat the clock and be ready before the guests came. As usual, my grandmother was the first to arrive, right on time. "Do you need my help, Lubna?" my grandmother-my Apa Jicalled to my mom in the kitchen. "Yes, Apa," she said. " Please get my stubborn daughter in the shower and dressed before the guests arrive!" I was only six yea.. 더보기
2021년 수능특강라이트 16강 Gateway(기출+) 더보기
EBS올림포스전국연합학력평가기출문제(고1)11강4,5,6 There are many methods for finding answers to the mysteries of the universe, and science is only one of these. However, science is unique. Instead of making guesses, scientists follow a system ①designed to prove if their ideas are true or false. They constantly reexamine and test their theories and conclusions. Old ideas are replaced when scientists find new information ②that they cannot explain.. 더보기
2021년 수능감잡기 8강분석 1,2(기출+) Jack stopped the cycle of perfectionism that his son Mark was developing. Mark could not stand to lose at games by the time he was eight years old. Jack was contributing to Mark's attitude by always letting him win at chess because he didn't like to see Mark get upset and cry. One day, Jack realized it was more important to allow Mark some experience with losing, so he started winning at least h.. 더보기
