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2021년 신송고1 중간고사 시험지분석 교과서 영어YBM(한) 서답형 3. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것 2개를 찾아, 그 번호를 쓰고 옳은 형태로 고치시오. (각 2.0점, 총 4.0점) Have you ever observed ants marching in and out of their nest? If so, it may have reminded you of a highway (1) packed with cars. But this comparison is not appropriate. Ants never get into a traffic jam, no matter how fast they move or how many of them occupy the road. This is because their movements are based on coo.. 더보기
2021년 신송고1 중간고사 시험지분석(19번문제)(모의고사40번) In one study, researchers asked pairs of strangers to sit down in a room and chat. In half of the rooms, a cell phone was placed on a nearby table; in the other half, no phone was present. After the conversations had ended, the researchers asked the participants what they thought of each other. Here's what they learned: when a cell phone was present in the room, the participants reported the qua.. 더보기
2021년 대건고2 중간고사 시험지분석(8번문제)(모의고사40번) At the University of Iowa, students were briefly shown numbers that they had to memorize. Then they were offered the choice of either a fruit salad or a chocolate cake. When the number the students memorized was seven digits long, 63% of them chose the cake. When the number they were asked to remember had just two digits, however, 59% opted for the fruit salad. Our reflective brains know that th.. 더보기
2019년 신송고2-1중간 영어1YBM(한)Lesson1 서술형2번 서답형 2. 다음 글의 흐름에 적합하도록 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 에 맞게 배열하여 완성하시오. [6.0] Failures are the stepping stone to success. Not only but also help us to grow in wisdom and in spirit. Toni Morrison began writing when she was in college, but she did not produce anything good enough to publish for many years. Her troubled marriage, divorce, and life as a single mother made it even harder for her to write. At 39, she publ.. 더보기
2020년해송고1-1기말고사 시험지분석 (올림포스기본독해1-11강) 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [11-3] Men and women are often assigned roles for various social, political, or historical reasons. When these factors are inadequately understood, they can appear to be quite ________. For example, although sewing clothes for the family is thought of as women’s work in North America (most men have never operated a sewing machine or made a purchase in a fabric store),.. 더보기
2020년 인천여고1-1중간(23번문제)(기출분석) 다음과 같은 기출문제를 연습시켰습니다. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Few philosophers would deny that Language, for example, is something that we learn and change as we use it, and the same is true of science ─ scientists start with a body of theory, and then go on either to confirm or to disconfirm it. The same is also true of social institutions, such as the family, the state, banks, churches, and so on ─ most of whi.. 더보기
2020년 박문여고1-1중간고사 시험지분석 (외부지문 서술형2번) Among fish, cooperation is motivated by a simple trade off: food for cleanliness. “Cleaner” fish swim into the mouths of the bigger fish—called “clients”—in order to eat parasites and harmful bacteria. The cleaners get a meal, and the clients get a healthier mouth. Inside the mouths of non-predator clients, however, cleaners will sometimes eat mucus, a meal cleaners seem to prefer over bacteria... 더보기
