Among fish, cooperation is motivated by a simple trade off: food for cleanliness. “Cleaner” fish swim into the mouths of the bigger fish—called “clients”—in order to eat parasites and harmful bacteria. The cleaners get a meal, and the clients get a healthier mouth.
Inside the mouths of non-predator clients, however, cleaners will sometimes eat mucus, a meal cleaners seem to prefer over bacteria. Researchers Redouan Bshary (of Germany’s Max Planck Institute) and Alexandra Grutter (of Australia’s University of Queensland) call this activity “cheating”:(a) cleaner들은 더 맛있는 식사를 위해 박테리아를 꺼릴 뿐만 아니라, 그들은 그들의 clients가 아파서 움찔하게 만든다.
Following that jolt of pain, some non-predatory clients try to punish cheating cleaners by aggressively chasing them. This act of punishment hurts both parties: The client expends energy chasing the cleaner, and the cleaner expends energy being chased. But in interactions immediately following aggressive chasing, researchers observed fewer jolts in client fish. The cleaners seemed to get the message.
In their relationship with predators that could eat them with one swift chomp, cleaners appear to cooperate all the time; to date no one has observed a predator jolting with a cleaner in its mouth. It would appear that the cost of cheating outweigh its benefits(=a bit of mucus).
Why don’t predators eat cleaners? Cleaners are small, hardly a satisfying meal, and a good, trustworthy cleaner takes work to find. Once they’ve established trust between them, predators want to keep their cleaners around.
[서술형 2] 밑줄 친 (a)를 <조건>에 맞게 영작하시오.
in pain / eschew / the cleaners / jolt / meal / their clients /only / bacteria / to / for / causea / tastier / they / do
정답=> not only do the cleaners eschew bacteria for a tastier meal, but they cause their clients to jolt in pain.

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