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2021년 수능감잡기 7강 5,6분석(기출+)


Scientists simply do not have the time nor the money to check up on the research of other scientists. Scientists in the academic community are busy with their teaching assignments, their graduate student supervision, and their own research programs. They are driven by the publish-or-perish attitude prevalent today. It simply does not benefit them in any way-no fame or fortune-to confirm or falsify the work of someone else. Scientists in industry have a bottom-line mentality. They must be productive in the areas in which their company specializes. They have no time to check out the work of other scientists just for the fun of checking them out or to prove that science really is self-correcting. There are exceptions, but in practice this is normally the case.



We continually bring new items into our households without removing old items to accommodate them, which creates a home filled to capacity and beyond. Since 1970, home sizes in the United States have increased from 1,500 square feet to between 2,000 and 2,500 square feet. Today many homeowners have a two-car garage in which they cannot fit a vehicle because it serves as a storage area. Whatever does not fit in the home is packed away in a rental storage unit. Consider a popular weight loss theory as a parallel: if calories in exceed calories out, weight is gained; if calories in are fewer than calories out, weight is lost; and if calories in equal calories out, weight is maintained. Is this not true of our living spaces? Our bodies may stretch, but unfortunately for our homes, our closets do not!


