다음과 같은 기출문제를 연습시켰습니다.
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Few philosophers would deny that Language, for example, is something that we learn and change as we use it, and the same is true of science ─ scientists start with a body of theory, and then go on either to confirm or to disconfirm it. The same is also true of social institutions, such as the family, the state, banks, churches, and so on ─ most of which are modified forms of earlier practices or institutions. Human beings, therefore, never begin their existence from scratch, but always within some kind of context ─ a context that changes, sometimes radically within a single generation.
① scholars tend to change old theories
② we, human beings, exist in succession
③ social institutions have changed recently
④ human knowledge has seen radical advances
⑤ we choose whether to inherit things from the past
빈칸은 원문에선 human beings are, to a great extent, historial. 문장이었습니다.
정답은 2번이었습니다. succession(연속, 잇따름)이라는 단어를 꼭 암기하라고 했습니다. ㅋㅋㅋ
그런데, 같은 지문을 요약문 문제로 바꿔서 내셨습니다.
Human practices and institutions have (A) nature and those things have been (B) by its owners
responding to those days and generations.
① successive .............. damaged
② successive.................altered
③ historical.................... possessed
④ cultural....................... damaged
⑤ cultural....................... altered
정답은 2번입니다.
단어를 훈련시키면 학생들은 잘 맞춰요!!!
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