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2021년 6월 고2 모의고사분석(31~45) 무료자료 다운받기전 광고클릭(돈들지않아요! please!!!) 수업하면서 정리하고 다른분들자료도 참고했어요!!! 무료자료 다운받기전 광고클릭(돈들지않아요! please!!!) 더보기
2021년 6월 고2 모의고사분석(18~30) 무료자료 다운받기전 광고클릭(돈들지않아요! please!!!) 수업하면서 정리하고 다른분들자료도 참고했어요!!!(29번지문수정) 무료자료 다운받기전 광고클릭(돈들지않아요! please!!!) 더보기
2021년3월고2모의고사(36~42)분석(서술형정리) 36번) Just because being class president is correlated with shorter life expectancy does not mean that it causes shorter life expectancy. => *because = ~하는 것은, ~한다고 해서 => 정식 문장에서는 that 사용 (서술형/어법) // 37번) But the expressive dimension of taxation goes beyond debates about fairness, to the moral judgements societies make about which activities are worthy of honor and recognition, and which ones sho.. 더보기
2021년3월고2모의고사(29~35)분석(서술형정리) 29번) Yet research shows that exclusivity in problem solving, even with a genius, is not as effective as inclusivity, where everyone's ideas are heard and a solution is developed through collaboration. (서술형/주제문) // 30번) The objective camera suggests an emotional distance between camera and subject; the camera seems simply to be recording, as straightforwardly as possible, the characters and actio.. 더보기
2021년3월고1모의고사(35~40)분석(서술형정리) 35번) Gone are the days of musicians waiting for a gatekeeper (someone who holds power and prevents you from being let in) at a label or TV show to say they are worthy of the spotlight. (도치 문장/서술형)=>*prevent [stop/keep/prohibit] A from -ing: A가 ~하는 것을 막다 / *be worth ~ing/명사 = be worthy of 명사/동명사 :~할 가치가 있다 // 37번) Chemists have to write chemical equations all the time, and it would take too long .. 더보기
2021년3월고1모의고사(31~34)분석(서술형정리) 31번) One of the most important aspects of providing good care is making sure that an animal's needs are being met consistently and predictably. 주제문/서술형 문장 // 32번) But in the longer term it can be harmful as we quickly learn that food is a good way to manage emotions. Then as we go through life, whenever we feel annoyed, anxious or even just bored, we turn to food to make ourselves feel better.=>.. 더보기
2021년3월고1모의고사(18~30)분석(서술형정리) 21번) The learning payoff is useful and significant.(빈칸 추론 가능 문장). Once you have worked that out, it's time to translate it from the past tense to the future tense: (서술형 가능 문장) // 22번) Doubt causes you to see positive, neutral, and even genuinely negative experiences more negatively and as a reflection of your own shortcomings. *see A as B : A를 B로 여기다, 보다 =view, regard (서술형가능문장) // It's not the p.. 더보기
2021년3월고2모의고사(20~24)분석(서술형정리) 20번) They are the people who have the perspective to see problems that the insiders are too close to really notice. (서술형) // 21번) No matter how many mock disasters are staged according to prior plans, the real disaster will never mirror any one of them. (서술형) // 22번) Our planet is dynamic, and so are the arrangements by which its inhabitants live together.=> =Our planet is dynamic, and the arran.. 더보기
