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2021년 영어I(YBM한상호)-Lesson5-2분석


The End of Hunger
Hunger was a common part of everyday life in 17th- and 18thcentury Europe. The average European not only often went hungry, but sometimes even starved to death. Many countries suffered nationwide famines at least once every decade. The potato changed all that. Not only did potatoes grow well in much of Europe, but they were also very nutritious. Once Europeans began to grow potatoes, their food supplies doubled in quantity and increased dramatically in quality. Throughout Europe, potatoes quickly became the main source of nutrition for the majority of common people. By the end of the 18th century, potatoes had taken over most European farms, and famine had become a rare and unusual incident. At long last, Europe was able to feed itself. 



The Industrial Revolution
Thanks to the fact that the potato was inexpensive and nutritious, many Europeans escaped famines, and the populations in European nations increased rapidly during the 19th century. Furthermore, the potato indirectly led to the Industrial Revolution in 19th century England. It was easier to grow potatoes than many other crops, so fewer people were needed for farming. People who no longer worked on farms came to the cities and became factory workers, enabling new manufacturing industries to grow more quickly. With the larger populations and more advanced technologies, European nations became powerful enough to venture into other parts of the world and colonize them.


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