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2021 영어I YBM(한상호)-Lesson5-1분석


How Potatoes Changed the World
French fries, which are often served with fast foods, are one of the best known American side dishes. It is said that Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, tasted these fried potatoes in France and brought the recipe home to America. The real inventors of the so-called " French" fries were not the French but the Belgians. Instead of French fries, the French have traditionally enjoyed roasted potatoes with chicken for their Sunday lunch. Potato pancakes and potato soups are popular traditional dishes in Germany, while fish and chips is one of the most popular street foods in England. The potato has become such an important part of Western food culture that it is hard to believe that it has had such a relatively short history in Europe. The potato has been grown by South American Indians in the Andes Mountains for nearly 10,000 years, but it was only 500 years ago when the Europeans learned about this vegetable and brought it to their homelands. At first, Europeans did not like this unfamiliar and alien food.
Most people thought potatoes looked too ugly for people to eat. Some even believed that potatoes were created by devils. For this reason, potatoes were most often given to animals, while people ate them only when there was nothing else to eat. The potato gradually but steadily spread across Europe, as people learned how it could help them in times of war, bad weather, and desperate hunger.


