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2021년 신송고1 중간고사 시험지분석(19번문제)(모의고사40번)


In one study, researchers asked pairs of strangers to sit down in a room and chat. In half of the rooms, a cell phone was placed on a nearby table; in the other half, no phone was present. After the conversations had ended, the researchers asked the participants what they thought of each other. Here's what they learned: when a cell phone was present in the room, the participants reported the quality of their relationship was worse than those who'd talked in a cell phone-free room. The pairs who talked in the rooms with cell phones thought their partners showed less empathy. Think of all the times you've sat down to have lunch with a friend and set your phone on the table. You might have felt good about yourself because you didn't pick it up to check your messages, but your unchecked messages were still hurting your connection with the person sitting across from you. The presence of a cell phone weakens                                 , even when the phone is being ignored.


1) interpersonal relationship
2) effective presentation

3) Conversation skills
4) timeabareness

5) self-estdem


정답은 1) 번


2021년 3월 고1 모의고사 40번 문제였지만, 마지막 요약문을 뒤에 붙여서 빈칸 추론 문제로 변형해서 물어보고 있는 문제입니다. 

원문 요약문=>
The presence of a cell phone (A) weakens the connection between people involved in conversations, even when the phone is being (B) ignored.


모의고사 40번 문제 요약문 꼭 정리해야 합니다!!! 
