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2021년 수능특강라이트 6강분석(신송고2, 인천여고2)서술형정리


[6강Gateway] The information content of the photocopied sheets is just as foreign as (it would have been foreign)  if it had been left on the library shelf.=>서술형문장 / [6강E1] Everyone is capable, and it's everyone's responsibility to contribute through participation and support. Today, every salesperson, computer programmer, and small-business owner must use their natural creativity to thrive.=> 주제문 / [6강E2] Our educational systems are narrative forces of precisely this sort, using language that is carefully selected and anything but neutral to propose a particular view of the world in order to socialize us. => 서술형/빈칸 / [6E3] the chances are that more are sold at the ends of the linear display and less in the middle.= *the chances are that S + V ~: ~할 가능성이 있다, ~일것같다 = vegetables are more likely to be sold ~~~ and less likely to be sold ~. =>서술형 / [6강E4] Anchoring and adjustment can severely affect our retrospective personal memory. While such memory is introspectively a process of " dredging up" what actually happened, it is to a large extent anchored by our current beliefs and feelings. => 서술형/빈칸


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