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2021년 올림포스기출문제(고1)5강(1~6번분석)(신송고1)(서술형정리)





[5-1] In children, too, play has important functions during development. From its earliest beginnings in infancy, play is a way in which children learn about the world and their place in it.(주제문) // [5-2] If we practice taking the many small opportunities to help others, we'll be in shape to act when those times requiring real, hard sacrifice come along. (주제문/서술형) // [5-3] Therefore you don't learn the details of your thinking until speaking or writing it out in detail and looking back critically at the result. (서술형) => = Not until speaking or writing ~~~~~~~~ do you learn the details of your thinking. = It is not until speaking or writing ~~~~~~~~ that you learn the details of your thinking. (변형 가능) // [5-6] Since the nineteenth century, shopkeepers have taken advantage of this trick by choosing prices ending in a 9, to give the impression that a product is cheaper than it is. (서술형/빈칸]  
