주관식 5. 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 주어진 <조건>에 맞추어 글의 흐름이 자연스럽게 완성하시오. [서술형-4.0점, 부분점수 있음]
<조건> 가. <보기>에 주어진 단어를 한 번씩 모두 사용하여 완전한 문장을 만들 것. (단어누락시 오답처라) 나. 단어의 형태를 임의로 바꾸지 말것 다. 철자 오류는 한 건당 1점 감점함 라. 대소문자로 인한 감점없음 |
By integrating the mobile phone and the camera, the smartphone has further transformed the way we use and think about photography. Nowadays, whenever we want to take a picture, our camera is already in our hand, in our smartphone. The smartphone has also made it easier to share our photographs with others since smartphones come with a wireless Internet connection and social networking apps. These features of the smartphone have resulted in new picture-taking habits. Taking a photograph of oneself was difficult and not often done in the past. However, the smartphone made it so convenient and popular that taking a photograph of oneself, or a selfie, is now one of the most common types of photography on the Internet. .
<보기> to / possible / everyone / as / be said / it / a means of / use / the smartphone / to / can / for / photography / make / self-expression |
정답: The smartphone can be said to make it possible for everyone to use photography as a means for self-expression.
원문: It can be said that the smartphone lets everyone use photography as a tool for self-expression.
It can be said that S + V 문장을 S can be said to로 변형 문제와 make 가목적어/진목적어 변형 문제
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