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2021 중3동아(윤정미)Lesson1 (기출+)


I'm going to tell you how I found my dream and realized it. => 4 형식 tell *4 형식 => tell + IO(간접 목적어) + DO(직접 목적어) / *간접 의문문(의+S+V)=> 명사절. // I could feel my heart beating fast. => *5 형식 지각동사 see/hear/watch/feel/notice(알아채다)/observe(관찰하다) + O + OC(원형부정사[동.원]/분사[현재분사,과거분사]). // I realized that taking pictures made me happy.=> *make + 목 + 목. 보(형/명/동사원형[원형 부정사]). // I wasn't sure if I could succeed, but I decided to try. * I am sure that S + V
* I am not sure if(whether) S +V. // I truly hope you can find a dream, pursue it, and live it! => *I hope (that) + S + (can/will) + 동사 ~ 

분석노트 교정중입니다.^^
