If so, it may have reminded you of a highway packed with cars. => *may have p.p(과거 추측):~했을지 모른다 / *remind A of B: A에게 B를 상기시키다. 암기해야 합니다. 그리고 highway를 꾸며주는 packed with cars도 어법 정리해두세요!!!
they communicate with each other so that they all move at the same speed. => *so that S V : S가 V 하기 위해서 <목적> = in order that. 이 문장도 암기합시다.
This arrangement makes sense because it is more difficult for inbound ants to change direction due to their heavy loads.=> 가주어/진주어 문장 그리고 due to까지 정리해두세요!
Tiny fish, which scientists refer to as "cleaners, " swim into the mouths of bigger fish, which are referred to as "clients."=> 관계대명사 계속적 용법 그리고 *refer to A as B: (A를 B라고 부르다, 일컫다)=> A be referred to as B (A는 B로 불리다)도 암기하셔야 합니다.
First, the cleaners are too small to satisfy their hunger. => the cleaners are so small that they can’t satisfy their hunger문장으로 변형 가능합니다.
It is important to note that flycatchers go to the aid of another bird in danger only if that bird has helped other birds in the past.=> 이문장은 조심스럽게 빈칸 추론 예상해 봅니다.^^
They do not answer the calls of birds that have refused to help others before.=> 이문장도 같이 빈칸 예상!!!
박쥐 부분은 확실하게 어휘와 '왜 박쥐가 굶어 죽지 않는지를 확실하게 정리하세요!!!
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